The buttons package help us with all the button components stuff
Function to create a button. Needs to go within an action row.
button(style:Union[int, str, ButtonStyle]="PRIMARY", label:Union[str, None]=None,
emoji:Union[Emoji, PartialEmoji, str, None]=None, custom_id:Union[str, None]=None,
url:Union[str, None]=None, disabled:bool=False)
style - Style of the button
- String choices:
label - Label of the button
emoji - Emoji of the button
custom_id - Id of the button. Needed for non-link buttons.
url - URL of the button. Needed for link buttons.
disabled - Whether the button is disabled or not.
Function, creates an action row for buttons
button_list - List of buttons to go within the action row
Function, Waits for a button interaction. Alternative to wait_for_component
wait_button(client:discord.Client, buttons:Union[str, dict, list], messages:Union[Message, int, list, None]=None, check=None, timeout=None)
client - The client/bot object.
buttons - Custom ID to check for, or button dict (buttons or button) or list of previous two.
messages - The message object to check for, or the message ID or list of the previous two.
check - Optional check function. Must take ComponentContext
as the first parameter.
timeout - The number of seconds to wait before timing out and raising asyncio.TimeoutError